Holy Hope Cemetery
The Sacred traditions of our Catholic Cemeteries allow us to celebrate in life and in death our faith. This faith can be expressed spiritually and in a visual setting that comforts one's soul. Holy Hope Cemetery is built upon these foundations. Though we are celebrating only our first 100 years we are looking forward and preparing a path that will take us into the next 100 years. The past memorializes the loved ones who shared our faith and reminds us of the resurrection to come and the future of Holy Hope can be that legacy of those yet to walk our grounds and sit in prayerful meditation. With the leadership of Bishop Kicanas and the dedication of a determined staff we will fulfill our Mission “To Minister to our Families in their time of need...”
Our cemeteries offer many unique ways to celebrate your life and that of your loved one. We invite you to come to one of our offices for a tour of the grounds and view the abundant possibilities for burial and memorialization.