Casas Flowers Blog

Casas Flowers Blog

Tucson's Local Florist | A Step Beyond the Ordinary

What’s On Our Holiday Bestseller List?

What's at the top of your holiday decor list? The perfect wreath? A fresh garland to wrap down the banister? A very merry centerpiece? Casas Adobes Flower Shop has cultivated our own list, and it's on our shelves. Of course we have all of the seasonal floral essentials, among them one of the most recognizable, the poinsettia. Gloriously red and leafy, this is one plant that can take your home from harvest-hued Fall to holly jolly Winter like that. Read More about What’s On Our Holiday Bestseller List? »
Posted by casasflowers on November 19, 2018 | Last Updated: November 6, 2020 Uncategorized

A Wreath For The Season

We're so excited to unveil the first of many holiday floral items as the season gets underway. We know, we know: it can seem like there's no breathing room once November hits when it comes to prepping for the highest of holidays. But you don't have to do all your decorating at once. Casas Adobes Flower Shop suggests you begin at, well, the beginning. AKA your front door, with a wreath. Read More about A Wreath For The Season »
Posted by casasflowers on November 19, 2018 | Last Updated: November 6, 2020 Uncategorized

We Couldn’t Do It Without: Lourdes

Why couldn't Casas Adobes Flower Shop do it without Lourdes? Because she's awesome, that's why. If you haven't guessed already, we're taking a minute to show our effusive gratitude to one of our fave team members, in the spirit of Thanksgiving. We strongly encourage you too to take stock of the wellspring of talent, support, kindness and love around you, and to single out the people who show it and tell them how much they mean. Read More about We Couldn’t Do It Without: Lourdes »
Posted by casasflowers on November 11, 2018 | Last Updated: November 12, 2018 Uncategorized

Gather Together Around The Perfect Thanksgiving Table

.single #maincontent .img-featured { object-position: bottom; } How about a new twist on Thanksgiving this year? Instead of just family, you invite friends too, or make it all about friends. We're talking co-workers, neighbors, teachers—it's called Friendsgiving, and yes, it's a thing. Its inception is attributed to everything from a television show to Twitter to an ad campaign, but the truth is, Friendsgiving as a concept has been around a long time. Many of us can't travel to be with our flesh-and-blood over the holidays. Maybe we're working, home-bound or stationed elsewhere. Naturally, we compensate by doing the next best thing: having a Thanksgiving celebration with our chosen family, i.e. our friends. No matter what our Thanksgiving meal looks like, two things are for sure. There's a table and people are gathered around it, ready to eat. And where there's a table, there are flowers. Read More about Gather Together Around The Perfect Thanksgiving Table »
Posted by casasflowers on November 5, 2018 | Last Updated: October 15, 2020 Uncategorized

Fall In Love With Your Fall Centerpiece

Is there anything more exciting than designing your Fall table? We here at Casas Adobes Flower Shop think not. And yes, we're biased. We're totally inclined to thrill at the prospect of making a table look as gorgeous as possible, all in hopes of pleasing the people who are gathered there. Today, we're talking tablescaping. Naturally, we start with the centerpiece and work our way out from that. Why? Because the centerpiece is the single item on the table that captures the mood and spirit of your soiree. It reflects whether this is a formal dinner, a casual one or somewhere in between. It expresses the season or the occasion. Everything else follows suit. Read More about Fall In Love With Your Fall Centerpiece »
Posted by casasflowers on October 28, 2018 | Last Updated: October 5, 2020 Uncategorized

Reach Out And Touch Fall’s Textures

.single #maincontent .img-featured { object-position: top; } Are you looking for a floral design that's the equivalent of a pumpkin spice latte? Do you need something that is as spicy and textured and harvest-hued as your prized Fall candle? Look no further. Casas Adobes Flower Shop is not exaggerating when we say that we have a range of candidates worthy of your seasonal tabletop. We might have too many. You may have trouble deciding. So we'll just present one here, to speak for the rich range of Fall textures to be found in our seasonal arrangements. Read More about Reach Out And Touch Fall’s Textures »
Posted by casasflowers on October 22, 2018 | Last Updated: October 5, 2020 Uncategorized

Frightfully Good Halloween Flowers

Who in your life deserves to be enchanted this Halloween? What's the best way to beguile them? While we here at Casas Adobes Flower Shop can't answer the first question, we can certainly take the second. In fact, we've worked our fingers to the bone to scare up the perfect vases of Halloween flowers for your beloveds, so step a little closer and take a peek. Read More about Frightfully Good Halloween Flowers »
Posted by casasflowers on October 14, 2018 Uncategorized

Plant Some Goodwill With Your Boss

Given how much impact they have in our lives, it's no surprise that our mentors have a designated day now too. October 16 is National Bosses Day, an occasion for us to celebrate our fearless leaders, inspiring mentors and ceaseless supporters. Our team leaders at work can be some of the most undersung in the office, but not on this day. Established in 1958 by an appreciative employee, Bosses Day is celebrated by throwing an office party or offering a little gift, and that's where Casas Adobes Flower Shop comes in. Read More about Plant Some Goodwill With Your Boss »
Posted by casasflowers on October 1, 2018 | Last Updated: October 7, 2018 Uncategorized

Festive Flowers To Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

It's time to celebrate Hispanic American culture, so immerse yourself in the rich, cultural contributions of Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and the Americas. From September 15-October 15, we're called upon to honor and to highlight what Latin America has given us. Many of us are Hispanic American, and we embody the values of our cultural background and countries. Our families and ancestors have given us a sense of tradition, and we share that with the people around us. Casas Adobes Flower Shop wants to celebrate the diverse, vibrant customs of Hispanic Americans, and we're sharing some ways you can, too. Read More about Festive Flowers To Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month »
Posted by casasflowers on October 1, 2018 Uncategorized

Spice Up Your Table With Fun Fall Florals

.single #maincontent .img-featured { object-position: bottom; } Want a recipe for a great fall table? Not to worry, Casas Adobes Flower Shop has got you covered. It's more accurate to say that we're on the cusp of fall; therefore, our suggestion is going to be that you find that one truly great transitional piece to bridge the gap between the two seasons. You don't want to go too far in either direction, choosing instead to pay homage to both seasons. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to do that with flowers. Read More about Spice Up Your Table With Fun Fall Florals »
Posted by casasflowers on September 19, 2018 | Last Updated: October 5, 2020 Uncategorized